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Current teaching

BA teaching

F 2024/5 Morality and (Global) Politics: Philosophical Perspectives 

S 2024/5 Political obligation 


MA teaching

F 2024/5 Practical Philosophy: Contemporary Debates 

S 2024/5 Power and Resistance 

S 2024/5 Concealment and Disclosure: Transparency, Secrecy and Privacy in Democratic Governance


Past teaching

University of Amsterdam 

Introduction to Ethics (BA) 

Ethics and Integrity (BA) 

Privacy: Moral, Social, Legal Problems (MA) 

Legitimacy of the State (MA) 


Leiden University

Political Philosophy (BA)

Political Philosophy: The State of the Art (MA) (in collaboration with others)

Research Seminar (BA) (in collaboration with others)


Radboud University Nijmegen

Morals and Politics (Honours Program) (in collaboration with others)


Netherlands Research School in Philosophy (OZSW)

Contemporary Political Philosophy (PhD course) (in collaboration with others)


Student supervision

​Supervised more than 45 MA thesis and 30BA theses both at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and the Institute of Philosophy at Leiden University. Topics include: pornography and free speech; dirty hands; privacy and face recognition technology; compromise in democratic politics; executive overreach and extraordinary security measures; democratic public sphere and social media; institutional corruption; Dworkin’s theory of law; philosophical anarchism; secession; state territorial rights; surveillance.


PhD supervision

Current PhD students

Alexandra Prégent


Former PhD students who are now academics include:

Dorothee Riese


I have served on the doctorate committee at the public oral defense at Utrecht University on the topic of political judgment and legitimacy.


Teaching Qualification Certificate (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs, BKO) -2014

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